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Called Conference Students in morning devotions

Called Conference

A Culture-Shaping Bootcamp

Spend a Week in Christian Discipleship

Join Called attendees, ages fifteen to eighteen (2024 Dates TBD) as they spend a week being taught how to respond as Christians to a culture gone mad. Called seeks to challenge students to live out their faith, to not just survive the cultural onslaught but to shape culture as they push upstream. Students will sit under winsome speakers, interact in applied workshops, and develop leadership skills in a variety of team games. The week will also include exploring the downtown locale of Moscow, various team competitions, and cultivating Christian friendships with students from all around the country who are also committed to being salt and light.

We have invited Reverend Uriesou Brito to be our keynote speaker this year. Uri pastors Providence Church in Pensacola Florida. Don’t miss out on this opportunity!

Stay tuned for this year’s theme, additional speakers, and further details on Called



Late registration price: $755

Save Your Space Today

Press register and use the links to register for the Called week of your choice and to select airport pickup.

Lodging and Travel Information

  • Housing is covered within the cost of registration.

  • Airport pickup is $90 from Spokane-GEG, $75 for Lewiston-LWS, and $25 for Pullman-PUW.

  • Airfare is not covered.

Summer 2024 Dates TBA


Week 1 Called July 10-15 (FULL)
Week 2 Called July 17-22
Spokane Airport Pick up and Drop off: $90
Lewiston Airport Pick up and Drop off: $75
Pullman Airport Pick up and Drop off: $50

Have Any Questions?

Iain Anderson Called Conference coordinator 2023

Meet Iain Anderson, our Called Conference coordinator. Iain has participated in Called Conferences for the past 2 years. He has a wealth of knowledge and experience to impart to future campers and parents.

If you have any questions or concerns, please schedule a time to talk with him using the link provided HERE.

Or email at:

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